Now onto the second selection! For anyone that knew me when the latest season of American Idol was on, this pick will come as a shock, so consider yourself FOREWARNED! The song is David Archuleta, singing Crush! Now, I'm still not a big fan of ole' D. A., but I'll be darned if this song hasn't been in my head for past week solid! It's a pop song, which I know turnes more then half of my friends off, but it's a nice, annoyingly catchy tune that I dare you not to have stuck in your head! I still think he's a freaky looking and damn glad he didn't win the American Idol, but I'm man enough to admit when I like a song, and I'm doing so now! So my hat's off to you, Mr. Archuleta, for making good music! At least his single is easy on the ears, unlike last season's runner-up Blake Lewis...I don't think anymore need be said...or at least I'm not saying anymore! Again, here is the link to Amazon.com to buy the single and browse for more. It's a great website, especially if you have oodles of PepsiPoints that you want to get spend! I may just have to post about the magic that comes from PepsiPoints!
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