So, "Hey there, Ho there!" I'm posting my X-Men Collage of all my favorite and the most, if not all, the current X-Men! It took forever to get right, but I'm proud of the results!
Today was an okay day of the same ole' same ole'! I had and Echo done on me, which isn't so bad, but I kept falling asleep! I should probably explain, first off, I work in a hospital as a Transporter in the NIC (Non-Invasive Cardiology) department and the Cath Labs. Well, one of the main things we do in our dept are Echocardiograms, or Echos. It's a very simple procedure which is nothing but an Ultrasound of your chest to check out your heart! It's painless, but messy because of the gel they rub on you! Over the last 2 or so weeks we've had a Medical Student that has been doing something of an "Internship" with us. So he asked if he could practice on me and I said, "Sure"! Anywho, that was my fun for the day!
Talk later peeps!
1 comment:
"SURE! You can 'practice' on me anytime!"
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